Preparing for the Future of Work.
Exclusive offer for new clients!
Sign up for a free consultation.
We believe in a people-centric strategy.
Your talent is your biggest asset.
The office isn't dead. It's changing.
Let us help bring clarity and excitement about your new future.
Sign up today for a free consultation.
Define where you are and what’s working.
Through a series of surveys, interviews, and workshops, we explore elements of culture, process, strategy, and operations to build a strong foundation of understanding.
Create alignment with stakeholders.
Armed with baseline data, we align key stakeholders around an ideal future state work strategy that supports employee needs, organizational strategy, and client expectations.
Recommendations and next steps.
Assessments provide an understanding of organizational policies and procedures, gap analysis, and change readiness. A summary report provides you with a roadmap for success and may include recommendations for future work styles, policies, key investments, and spatial considerations.
Implement with our help or on your own.
We can partner with you to implement and reinforce recommendations. From revising policy to better
support hybrid workers or designing spaces to improve engagement with distributed teams
Steps to Success
Ready to move forward?
One of our expert consultants would love to talk to you.
Karen Karatkiewicz
Melissa Malburg
Mary Van Skiver
Organizational Change
& Communications
Workplace Strategy
& Discovery
Talent Development
& Experience
Take a look at what we've been up to.
We kind of know our stuff.
Engaging the
Workplace Part 1:
Physical Space Considerations
Engaging the
Workplace Part 2:
Employee Considerations
Building Trust:
Has the Virtual World
Become a Scapegoat?
Engaging the
Workplace Part 3:
Cleanliness & Safety
In an instant, the workforce of 2020 had to quickly adjust to a remote environment – learning to connect, communicate, and collaborate in new, innovative ways. What seemed nearly impossible at the time became a success story of workforce resiliency under tumultuous circumstances.
Innovative leaders continue to embrace the transformation as an opportunity to think and work differently - knowing the pandemic forever changed how people work, and it will continue to evolve for the foreseeable future.
The office isn't dead. It's changing.
Let us help develop a plan that is tailored to the needs of your organization.
Our Services
It's So Loud I Can't Hear Myself Think:
Sorting through the many opinions
about the “future of work”
Future of Work:
Integrating Business &
People Strategies for the Win